Powering Progress Towards A More Sustainable Future For Energy

Complete Storage Solutions

Our deep understanding of the energy storage industry allows us to combine technical expertise, strategic project design and efficient project coordination to seamlessly build, deploy and operate large-scale projects.

Leaders in Energy Transition

We are Canada’s only specialized energy storage provider. We remove the unpredictability from intermittent energy sources by efficiently storing generated electricity in battery reserves to guarantee a continuous, stable supply of power for the grid.

Risk Mitigation In Asset Development

We are breaking ground with minimal risk. Our strong relationships with existing suppliers, ease of access to cutting-edge technology, support from stable fundings, and an overall high level of operational efficiency allows us to develop innovative, first-of-their-kind assets with confidence.

Leading the Way Towards Energy Diversification.

We develop, construct, and operate innovative energy solutions that expand capacity, improve reliability, and seamlessly integrate with existing energy infrastructure.

Power Plants Across Alberta and B.C.
Operational Battery Storage Facilities
MW Total Generating Capacity
MWh Total Storage Capacity


Enfinite is committed to investing in and operating energy assets that seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructure and deliver reliable and sustainable power for our communities.